

Our association was born in the horrible world of mail-art and we will never be ashamed enough…

Art itself and creativity aim to make acceptable an otherwise miserable existence, which suggests the consumption of everything and experience. Nevertheless, in art there can be no liberation, but a sinister condemnation to “freedom”.


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canecapovolto was born in Catania in 1992 and implements artistic strategies of displacement.

The group practices a continuous experimentation with the use of different means, such as acoustic films, videos, installations, happenings and collages. canecapovolto thus develops an investigation into the expressive possibilities of vision and the dynamics of perception. To this end, he uses original techniques of treatment and manipulation of the image. In recent years he has also devoted particular attention to auditory representations, through creative strategies of circuit bending and digital manipulation of sound waves.

The artistic experience of canecapovolto starts from cinema, therefore from visual and sound experiments initially linked to the short film in super-8. The group then resorts to multiple practices of audio-video production, “sabotaging” the initial media image with the intent to implement artistic strategies of displacement. The aim is to deconstruct the language of technical images and to reconfigure it in a creative and not hetero-directed way. Great attention is paid to investigating the scientific matrix of communication and the viewer’s response to external stimuli. The result is the creation of multiple elements useful for the construction of a new language of visual representations. canecapovolto ultimately reconfigures the grammar of the collective imagination. A destructuring/reconstruction of the symbolic logics of visual and sound representations.

Over the years, the members of the group have made a long series of artistic interventions, moving in most European countries. They have realized exhibitions, participated in festivals, held conferences and seminars. They have received numerous and remarkable awards. However, they chose not to “emigrate” to other cities and towns, thus not participating in the “diaspora” that involved many Sicilian and Southern Italian artists.

canecapovolto has also opened a school of artistic research, the Scuola Fuori Norma of Catania, which is an integral part of the artistic project of the group. The partnership with White garage goes through several initiatives jointly organized, starting from their personal Cut and Run, October-November 2018.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

2018 Galleria White Garage, Catania
2018 – Fiamme negli Archivi, Careof, Milano (a cura di Martina Angelotti)
2012 – Hologram, Di.st.urb. c/o circolo Ferro 3, Scafati (a cura di Katiuscia Pompili)
– Il libro unico, neu [nòi], Palermo (a cura di Giusi Affronti)
– Abbiamo un problema (video), proiezione diffusa, Palermo (organizzazione: neu [nòi], Palermo Pride)
– Abbiamo un problema (19 collages + installazione audio), Francesco Pantaleone Arte Contemporanea, Palermo (organizzazione: Sicilia Queer Filmfest)
2011 – Dialogues, (con Carmelo Nicosia) in Art.is.town, Teatro Garibaldi, Modica (a cura di Francesco Lucifora)
2010 – Hologram, “PPS//Meetings#1”, Riso Museo d’Arte Contemporanea della Sicilia, Project Room, Palermo (a cura di Helga Marsala)
– Inconsci tecnologici, Galleria Overfoto, Napoli (a cura di Vito Campanelli)
2009 – Nutrire il dubbio. La sperimentazione di canecapovolto, (retrospettiva completa), Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Cinema Massimo, Torino (a cura di Massimo Causo)
– Nemico Interno, (happening), Associazione Culturale e/static, spazio blank, Torino 2008 – Presente Continuo (Lo stato dell’Arte), (con Zoltan Fazekas), Francesco Pantaleone Arte Contemporanea, Palermo (a cura di Helga Marsala)
– Presente Continuo (Lo stato dell’Arte), (con Zoltan Fazekas), Galleria Gianluca Collica, Catania (a cura di Helga Marsala)
2007 – Esterni – Micro cinema, Milano (rassegna personale)
– 03 Giornata del Contemporaneo, (retrospettiva, installazioni, happening), Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea Montevergini, Siracusa
– Helmut Doppel, Artist’s Corner – Fondazione Musica per Roma, (con Zoltan Fazekas), Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma
2005 – 41ª Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, Pesaro (personale, retrospettiva 25 titoli, seminario a cura di Massimo Galimberti)
2000 – Anthology Film Archive, (diretto da Jonas Mekas), New York (rassegna personale a cura di Anna Agostino e Sonia Campagnola)
1999 – Tranz-Tech – Toronto International Video Art Biennial, (monografia Video), Pleasure Dome, Toronto (a cura di Nelson Henricks)
1998 – 14. Berlin Interfilm Festival – Video Ultra, Il Futuro è Obsoleto (Retrospettiva video), Berlino (diretto da by Heinz Hermanns)
– L’Emorragia Plagiarista, Casa delle Culture, Cosenza
1996 – Round ’96 – XV Rassegna Film Video di Autori Indipendenti, (Monografia), Rimini (a cura di Sabrina Zanetti)
– 32ª Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, Plagium, le avventure dell’onda cerebrale anomala (Monografia) Pesaro (diretto da Adriano Aprà)

Festivals, video and film festivals, including:

Independent Film Show, Napoli / Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, Pesaro / Torino Film Festival / International Filmfestival, Rotterdam / Anthology Film Archive, New York / Williamsburg Brooklyn Film Festival / AVE Festival, Arnhem / Impakt Festival, Utrecht / Internationale Kurzfilmtage, Oberhausen / Intern. Hamburger Kurz Film Festival / International Festival of New Film, Split / De Rand Van Europa, Amsterdam / Fringe Festival, Edinburgh / The Exploding Cinema, Londra / Transmediale, Berlino / Kasseler Int. Filmfestival / Sixpack Film Lux Centre, London / Interfilm Berlin Festival / Tranz-Tech, Toronto / OVNI, Barcellona / Viper, Basel / Image Forum Festival, Tokyo / Radio Revolten-Festival zur zukunft des radios, Halle / Taormina FilmFest / Dissonanze-Video, Roma / Filmmaker Invideo, Milano / Tekfestival, Roma / European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück / Elettroshock, 30 anni di video in Italia 1971-2001, Roma / Sicilia Queer filmfest, Palermo.

Collectives and events of Contemporary Art, including:

L’errore residuo, Palermo / Forte Piano: le forme del suono, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma / Corpo Elettronico, Complesso del San Giovanni, Catanzaro / Quadratonomade, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma / Arte italiana all’ascolto, National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Moscow / Frames! Italian style in contemporary video art, Silpakorn University, Bangkok / TV/ARTS/TV. Television “shot” by artists, Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona / Istituto Italiano di Cultura Tokyo, Yokohama Museum of Art / Persona in meno, Palazzo Re Rebaudengo, Guarene d’Alba / Passaggi in Sicilia, Riso Museo d’Arte Contemporanea della Sicilia, Palermo / Out of Time, Axel Lapp Projects Berlin / Pan Screenings, PAN-Palazzo delle Arti Napoli / Art Radio Live (PS1-Moma), 52ª Biennale Venezia / B.O.A. Biennale o Altrove, Palermo / Galleria Civica Montevergini, Siracusa / 7 K Nights, Studio Stefania Miscetti, Roma / On Air: video in onda dall’Italia, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea Monfalcone / Paisatges després de la batalla, Centre d’art la panera, Lleida / em Powerment, Cantiere Italia, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genova / Prima e dopo l’immagine, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea / Melting POP, Palazzo delle Papesse Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena / The Video Game, Galleria Pianissimo, Milano / Exit, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino / Moderna Galerije Lubiana / Batofar cherche l’Italie, Batofar, Parigi / Videominuto PopTV, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato / Generation Hex-The Devil’s screening room, Pleasure Dome, Toronto / Monter/Sampler, Scratch Projection, Centre Pompidou, Parigi / Articule Gallery Montreal / Corps parlants, Gallery 101, Ottawa / Galleria Continua, San Gimignano / Galleria Sala 1, Roma / Wounds, Moderna Museet, Stoccolma / Hong Kong Arts Centre.


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