
About us

White garage – contemporary art, cinema, video art

We are an art gallery and a production space oriented towards video art and experimental cinematography. Our work lies within the framework of a new sociology of the imaginary: by this we intend to raise awareness of a deeper understanding of contemporary culture, going beyond traditional methods of analysis in the light of the symbolic codes promoted by digital culture. Indeed, we believe that the arts system is changing in the direction of greater integration between all creative fields. White garage aims to provide a platform for artists, filmmakers and the public to meet and share artistic research. This was our utopia when we started our activities. Today, reality is beginning to replace utopia.
Located in an old mechanical workshop in the modern centre of Catania, White Garage opens on 22 June 2018. The renovation of the early 20th century structure has brought to light a space suitable for site-specific projects and artist residency programmes, quickly transforming from an exhibition space into a film set.
White Garage encourages the development of an imagery free from the logic of consumerism. That is why it also provides curatorial support for young artists and designers, audiovisual operators and art and culture enthusiasts.
White Garage combines the visual arts with a programme of events on cinema, creative writing, music, philosophy, anthropology of the imaginary and social research: a workshop for the development of new cultural proposals.

Artistic Director: Gianpiero Vincenzo


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