
Zoltan Fazekas

Zoltan Fazekas (Budapest, 1969)

His interest in photography dates back to the 1980s, a period in which he collaborated with various realities linked to television production and visual communication. Since 1996, with his move to Italy (where he works, at the same time, as a water polo coach), his field of research opens up to collaborations with other artists and operators; some of these relationships then become constant and lead to the creation of events dedicated to audio-visual (2006 is the nomadic review of videos, radio dramas and slide shows La paura mangia l’anima, created with Alessandro Aiello, Livio Marchese and Sebastiano Pennisi, figures with whom Fazekas still works).

Today he lives in Acireale (CT).

Among the solo shows:

Bocs, La Bandiera Nazionale (2010), ,Catania.

Nuvole Gallery, R/953. La vita delle immagini (2014), Palermo.

Since 2006, the collaboration with the collective canecapovolto has also become constant, with whom a close relationship of confrontation and mutual exchange has been established, formalized in many productions and exhibitions, including:

Civic Gallery Montevergini, Syracuse;

Parco della Musica-Fondazione Musica per Roma;

Francesco Pantaleone contemporary art, Palermo;

Gianlucacollica, Catania;

Rice, Museum of Contemporary Art of Sicily, Palermo;

Dis.turb, Scafati.


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