
The sound of images/images of sound – workshop

Presentation of the final work of the workshop led by Alessandro Aiello and Simone Caruso.
Born from a collaboration with the Scuola FuoriNorma, the workshop was coordinated by Prof. Marcella Barone, teacher of the school of New Painting Languages at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania.
The students of the three-year course of New Painting Languages participated:
Cristina Agnello, Andrea Cacciola, Claudia Coniglione, Clara Gravagna, Alessia Di Gregorio, Federico Di Mauro, Gabriele Fazio, Diego Greco, Domenico Litrico, Giovanni Marchese, Alfredo Oriti, Loriana Quisari, Giuseppe Salamone.

White garage, 12 January 2019, 6 p.m.


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